☀Starting your day with the right ENERGY and the right STATE OF MIND really is the KEY to success!

Approaching suppliers, colleagues, guests, and the people you love with the right appreciation, joy and willingness to CONTRIBUTE, this has made an amazing impact to my relationships, work opportunities and it essentially made me a better human being.

I completely agree with the following quote that I read quite some time ago:

The majority of Hospitality Professional don’t give to these aspect the attention they deserve and this results in staff leaving their workplace, relationships that end and many more serious consequences.

Our energy and our state of mind is also what makes us UNIQUE and AUTHENTIC and is what attracts people to wanting to be in a relationship or do business with us.

Most of the time Bartenders, Managers and Owners try to be somebody else, copying strategies that don’t work for them, modelling the wrong mentors, replicating Cocktails and techniques just for the sake of it, instead of looking within, at the resources they already have and how to match them with their values in life.

In addition, all this has an enormous impact on our products and services it even becomes a MONEY discussion.

There has been an experiment with 3 Bartenders making

  • the same drink
  • with the same recipe
  • with the same amount and type of ice
  • with the same tools
  • shaking with the same exact duration
  • same glassware and temperature

..YET the results where completely different!

Have you ever though that even the melting rate of your ice is different when handled from one member of the Staff to the other?

It all comes down to what we put in as Bartenders or other Hospitality Professional: ENERGY+HEART+VALUES

I encourage you to take ENORMOUS care of your health, your nutrition, your energy level and state of mind, to simply become THE BEST VERSION OF YOU as an Hospitality Professional, in order to inspire, excite, engage with the people around you, be happier in your day to day job  and also…create AMAZING Cocktails for your Guests!


Max La Rocca

If you haven’t already, please take a minute to JOIN HERE the #MaxLaRoccaTribe to access exclusive content that will take your career and your establishment to the next level!

By joining, we will make sure you also receive the latest updates about my activities.

You can also connect with me on Facebook, InstagramTwitterLinkedIn, and watch my Youtube Channel

🚀 If you want to collaborate with me, have me in your Venue or BarSchool, BarShow or book me for an event, contact me through the form below.

Through my experience and charismatic personality, we will create together an event after which, people will not be able to stop talking about it!

    Your Name

    Your Email


    Your Message

    The Sailor’s Treasure Cocktail

    the-sailors-treasure cocktail by Max La Rocca


    The “Sailor’s Treasure” Cocktail, an amazing drink that I created for you to enjoy the winter  with friends and loved ones!

    – Truffle flavoured egg yolk
    – Date Syrup
    – Moscato Passito wine
    – Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve
    – Chocolate Bitters
    – Grated Tonka beans



    If you haven’t already, please take a minute to JOIN HERE the #MaxLaRoccaTribe to access exclusive content that will take your career and your establishment to the next level!

    By joining, we will make sure you also receive the latest updates about our activities.

    You can also connect with me on Facebook, InstagramTwitterLinkedIn, and watch my Youtube Channel

    🚀 If you want to collaborate with me, have me in your Venue or BarSchool, BarShow or book me for an event, contact me through the form below.

    Through my experience and charismatic personality, we will create together an event after which, people will not be able to stop talking about it!



      Your Name

      Your Email


      Your Message


      Getting out of your comfort zone…yes right..
      But how can we do it gradually and also with some fun?

      Watch this video to understand how it works!

      Yes, today I want to share with you a website that will help us to do just this!

      The website is called “COMFORT ZONE CRUSHER

      After you subscribe to the website, a 7-day comfort zone challenge starts!

      You will receive an email every other day with the next challenges to overcome.

      The email is very detailed and also includes a video to help us in this new task.

      But don’t worry! It is not about Bungee Jumping or anything like this!

      They are very simple but effective challenges!

      Once you are part of the mailing list you will also join a Facebook group where there is a global community that addresses issues like self-esteem and comfort zone.

      What’s the reason behind all this? Simply to become better people and better Hospitality professionals ready to deal with new challenges all the times.

      I hope you will take the challenge and you find it useful!

      Thank you all!

      If you haven’t already, please take a minute to JOIN HERE the ListenToTheIce Tribe to access exclusive content that will take your career and your establishment to the next level!

      By joining, we will make sure you also receive the latest updates about our activities.

      You can also connect with us on FacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn, and watch our Youtube Channel


      Max La Rocca & the ListenToTheIce Team


      Google Alerts are emails that are sent to you when Google comes across your keywords of choice in web pages, newspaper articles, or blogs, without you doing…nothing!


      How cool is that? This will help you – without any effort – to collect endless ideas and use it as a fantastic source of inspiration for articles, Brand or drink names, cocktail ingredients, cocktail competitions, workshops and other updates of your interest.
      Click the image below to access Google Alerts!

      GOOGLE ALERT You can customize Google Alerts to receive them as they happen, once a day, or once a week, and in no time you can sign up to receive multiple alerts for different keywords.

      You can then create a folder in your e-mail system called “Web Tips” and storing all your tips there for easy access.


      Let’s see some ways you can use this FREE GOOGLE feature:


      Having Alerts on all variations of your name or your own Brand name will let you know whenever someone else mentions it. It lets you understand how others see & share info about you and it allows you to foresee issues before they become real problems by helping you track who mentions you or is linking to you from their blog, website, video, discussion group, etc.


      Another idea is to set up Alerts for your competitors’ businesses, products, or services so you are aware of who they are serving, how they are advertising or what they are doing.   It’s always very helpful to know what’s going on in your industry. 


      This can be a quick way to distill all the places your favourite author is being talked and his latest writing…you could use this to also track Drink Contests judges’ bio and preferences..shhhhh, I didn’t tell you this one!


       Let’s say you are interested in a Bartender/Manager/Waiter job in your city or abroad, you could set up Alerts to always stay in the loop!


      How about being alerted when the latest Hospitality or Bar Trend you are interested in, gets published? Cool AHH?

      By putting your keywords in quotation marks (like this: “Cocktail Book”), you will be alerted when an article contains your exact keyword (this saves you from getting alerted when Goggle finds Cocktail OR Book individually in its search)!


      If you haven’t already, please take a minute to JOIN HERE the #MaxLaRoccaTribe to access exclusive content that will take your career and your establishment to the next level!

      By joining, we will make sure you also receive the latest updates about our activities.

      You can also connect with me on Facebook, InstagramTwitterLinkedIn, and watch my Youtube Channel

      🚀 If you want to collaborate with me, have me in your Venue or BarSchool, BarShow or book me for an event, contact me through the form below.

      Through my experience and charismatic personality, we will create together an event after which, people will not be able to stop talking about it!



        Your Name

        Your Email


        Your Message


        Dear Bartenders, colleagues and friends,

        do you want to get booked for seminars, presentations and workshops all over the world, get amazing career opportunities and have your profession really sky rock?

        But I have to warn you! You might run the risk of HAVING TO TRAVEL THE WORLD..that’s what happened to me after I won WORLD CLASS

        The way I experienced it, World Class has never been a competition but an OPPORTUNITY TO GROW – It is only about the thinking!

        Start changing your thoughts, as different thoughts will lead to different actions, that will lead to different results, the right results you ask of yourselves!



        I don’t remember ONE situation (AT LEAST ) in my life where I was COMPLETELY..100% ready for something, DO YOU??

        When I competed in World Class, it was my very first competition and I came 3rd in the world, and also for a lot of World Class winners, it was their first competition ever.

        You never know what my happen if you don’t try it.

        I didn’t compete only for myself but for my team, for my Bar and for my guests, I owed them this. the game of life, do you want to be only a SPECTATOR or do yo want to be A PLAYER??

        My favourite quote is “JUMP AND THE NET WILL APPEAR”

        Maybe some of you are thinking something like “even if I go through the Country Finals, am I going to be good enough to win it Globally”?
        Let me mention, as an example, the great Bartenders in the picture above, who have had amazing results through perseverance and desire to grow both personally and professionally, they have also competed and believed in World Class and although these incredible persons have not necessarily won a Global Final, their World Class experience, alongside the opportunity to share with others and the chance to be part of a great community, have all been precious things that have opened a lot of doors and also contributed in a way to achieve incredible results, in their bars, with their teams and for their customers.
        So as you can see, World Class really IS a journey and not just the final destination, it’s not only about winning but about LEARNING & GROWING !

        The World Class People who kindly agreed to share  this message with you all, are (from top left to bottom right of the picture above):
        Simone Caporale, Alex Kratena, Monica Berg, Sean Muldoon, Ryan Chetyawardana, Jimmy Barrat, Andrew Nicholls, Dennis Zoppi, Max La Rocca

        If you’re question now is..what do I win?
        Here’s a list of the amazing prizes that are waiting for you:
        IF YOU BECOME THE WORLD CLASS WINNER 2017 FOR YOUR COUNTRY YOU WILL GET:1. Luxurious hand made Trophy – symbol of guarantee of high quality standards

        2. A one-year contract to inspire your peers and guests alongside with the WORLD CLASS Team in events, workshops and bespoke activities

        3. An amazing PR plan to promote your win and give you massive visibility

        4. Access to the European WORLD CLASS 3-day Bootcamp to help you prepare for the Global Finals

        5. Flight to Mexico to represent your Country in the Global Finals

        6. Trip to Schiedam to the Ketel One distillery

        7. A Bespoke Whisky trip to Scotland



        8. Become a Global Ambassador of the WORLD CLASS programme, travelling the world, educating and inspiring new talents.

        9. Support as judge and mentor in future Global Finals editions

        10. Get the global superstar status!
        So as I said before..start changing your thoughts, as different thoughts will lead to different actions, that will lead to different results.
        Take action now and subscribe to WORLD CLASS 2017 on



        Max La Rocca


        If you haven’t already, please take a minute to JOIN HERE the ListenToTheIce Tribe to access exclusive content that will take your career and your establishment to the next level!

        By joining, I’ll make sure you also receive the latest updates about my activities.

        You can also connect with me on FacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn, and watch my Youtube Channel



        Miami it’s one of the most exciting cities in the world, boasting sun drenched beaches, cutting edge cuisine and bustling nightlife. Miami is the place to be in 2016.

        The World Class Bartender of the Year Global Final is rolling into town from September 26th, inspiring the best in the industry to a week of taxing challenges and fierce competition, guaranteeing the greatest show of bartender flair and creativity in the world.

        In addition to this amazing Competition, our Hospitality experts, the Diageo Brand Ambassadors coming from over 50 different countries, we will be taking over the coolest neighbourhood in Miami – Wynwood – with some of Miami’s best Cocktail Bars!!

        (Youtube Video Link)


        Please join us Wednesday 28th September from 8.30pm to 12am in the following Bars:
        Wynwood Diner
        Beaker & Gray
        Wood Tavern
        El Patio
        The Bar Next Door
        The Butcher Shop


        Only some of the fantastic #Tanqueray Gin and #Ketelone Vodka cocktails being featured Wednesday 28th September from 8.30pm to 12am at #wynwooddiner in Miami for our #getworldclasswynwood night !
        #getmixedup  #WorldClass2016 #TrueSpirit

        Be sure to stop by to enjoy amazing cocktails made by the world’s top Bartenders and experts from ‪Tanqueray‬ Gin and Ketel One Vodka.

        The big moment has arrived: WORLD CLASS 2015!


        max Erik WCC

        Dear European Bartenders the big moment has arrived!!

        Join us on HERE to read what the 1st Challenge of the year will be and how to ENTER the WORLD CLASS Competition!

        Don’t forget to watch the video blow

        Explore also THE WORLD CLASS CLUB the brand new platform created exclusively for you to keep you up to date on all the bartender news, competitions and inspiration.


        And see you in Capetown for the WORLD CLASS Global Final!