☀Starting your day with the right ENERGY and the right STATE OF MIND really is the KEY to success!
Approaching suppliers, colleagues, guests, and the people you love with the right appreciation, joy and willingness to CONTRIBUTE, this has made an amazing impact to my relationships, work opportunities and it essentially made me a better human being.
I completely agree with the following quote that I read quite some time ago:
The majority of Hospitality Professional don’t give to these aspect the attention they deserve and this results in staff leaving their workplace, relationships that end and many more serious consequences.
Our energy and our state of mind is also what makes us UNIQUE and AUTHENTIC and is what attracts people to wanting to be in a relationship or do business with us.
Most of the time Bartenders, Managers and Owners try to be somebody else, copying strategies that don’t work for them, modelling the wrong mentors, replicating Cocktails and techniques just for the sake of it, instead of looking within, at the resources they already have and how to match them with their values in life.
In addition, all this has an enormous impact on our products and services too..so it even becomes a MONEY discussion.
There has been an experiment with 3 Bartenders making
- the same drink
- with the same recipe
- with the same amount and type of ice
- with the same tools
- shaking with the same exact duration
- same glassware and temperature
..YET the results where completely different!
Have you ever though that even the melting rate of your ice is different when handled from one member of the Staff to the other?
It all comes down to what we put in as Bartenders or other Hospitality Professional: ENERGY+HEART+VALUES
I encourage you to take ENORMOUS care of your health, your nutrition, your energy level and state of mind, to simply become THE BEST VERSION OF YOU as an Hospitality Professional, in order to inspire, excite, engage with the people around you, be happier in your day to day job and also…create AMAZING Cocktails for your Guests!
Max La Rocca
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🚀 If you want to collaborate with me, have me in your Venue or BarSchool, BarShow or book me for an event, contact me through the form below.
Through my experience and charismatic personality, we will create together an event after which, people will not be able to stop talking about it!