Cocktails Spirit ’09 Paris

IT: Un grande ringraziamento a Mr Thierry Daniel e tutte le persone dietro “COCKTAILS SPIRITS ’09” per l’organizzazione e la professionalità trovata all’evento, già non vedo l’ora di partecipare alla prossima edizione.

ENG: A big thank you to Mr Thierry Daniel and all the persons behind “COCKTAILS SPIRITS ’09” for the organization and the professionalism found at the event, I look forward to attend next edition already.

IT: nessun ordine particolare.
ENG: no particular order.

IT: Dimitri Lezinska Grey Goose Global Brand Ambassador..don’t we look like brothers?… 😉
ENG: Dimitri Lezinska Grey Goose Global Brand Ambassador..non sembriamo fratelli?… 😉

IT: simply amazing presentation of “LE LION Bar de Paris” in Hamburg, please welcome Mr Joerg Meyer and Mr Mario Kappes!
ENG: presentazione semplicemente incredibile del “LE LION Bar de Paris” di Amburgo, un benvenuto a Mr Joerg Meyer and Mr Mario Kappes!

IT: ..gli italiani sanno come farlo..Mr Calabrese, Dom Costa e Gianfranco Spada
ENG: ..italians know how to do it..Mr Calabrese, Dom Costa and Gianfranco Spada

IT: un grande evento per grandi e sorridenti ragazzi, un saluto a Mr Erich Wassicek dall’Austria
ENG: a big event for big and smiley guys, greetings to Mr Erich Wassicek from Austria

Mr Jared Brown @ Travelling Mixologists Party

Harry’s New York Bar Paris

Hemingway Bar @ The Ritz Paris

Hemingway Bar @ The Ritz Paris

Hemingway Bar @ The Ritz Paris

Hemingway Bar @ The Ritz Paris

IT: non ci sono parole, grazie Mr Ueno per la sua amicizia
ENG: no words for that, thanks Mr Ueno for your friendship

Four Seasons George V presentation