Bacardi Martini Grand Prix Italian Finals in Turin

Taste, trends and creativity are celebrated also this year to the Bacardi Martini Grand Prix, international contest organized with the technical support of Aibes (Italian Association of Barmen and Supporters) and Iba (International Bartenders Association) to reward the better Italian and World Bartenders. In front of an expert jury formed by eminent characters like Mauro Lotti, Camillo Bosco and Umberto Caselli, the bartender Massimo La Rocca (now working at the Lab Terrazza Marconi) stood out carrying to Turin dynamism, passion and innovation, earning an important recognition for its style and work technique. 7th classified nation-wide for its category.

Source: Corriere Adriatico – Senigallia Page
Article dated 05/07/2007 – Title: “Massimo La Rocca Barman di successo”