Thank you for your interest in my Seminars and for taking charge of your Professional and Personal Growth!
I’m truly thankful for the opportunity to inspire you and the community of Bartenders and Hospitality Professionals in your area to give them even more awareness of their own potential.


🚀 If you want to collaborate with me, have me in your Venue or BarSchool, BarShow or book me for an event, contact me through the form below.

Through my experience and charismatic personality, we will create together an event after which, people will not be able to stop talking about it!

    Your Name

    Your Email


    Your Message

    You can also connect with me on Facebook, InstagramTwitterLinkedIn, and watch my Youtube Channel

    Finally, you can access here the exclusive content of my Blog, I’m sure you will enjoy it.

    To you GREATNESS!
    Max La Rocca